Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Hypocrisy of so called Liberal Lefts

Our problem. We are concerned more with being politically correct than to accept that romanticizing with a terrorist adds to the decades old appeasement policy that we have followed resulting in greater number of terrorist activities and loss of innocent lives across the country. It is easier to claim freedom of speech and hold protests in sympathy with those who sympathize with the terrorists. But it is tougher to take a resolute stand against terrorism. Liberal Lefts will never hold a rally to oppose the terrorists, because in a drawing room conversation its "cooler" to sound safe and liberal. The problem with right centric governments, instead of opposing this by way of thought and rational arguments, they are foolish enough to apply sedition charges thus giving away an opportunity to the liberals to repaint this issue as that of freedom for speech thereby completely ignoring the basic problem of appeasement, sounding cool, playing safe and being a hypocrite. I am a liberal and I strongly oppose any curtailment of freedom for speech but being a liberal, I can not overlook the underlying campaign to turn a terrorist into a martyr. Terrorism is anti -human and anti-liberal. Wish we would devote at least 20% of our energies to speak up against the appeasement of terrorists , leave alone the 80% we spend in repainting the issue.

Ananya Awasthi


  1. I came here through a post by your respected mother.Two observations:
    1. I hope that sometimes you express yourself in your mother tongue as well. The Nehruvian project of separating us from our mother tongue and through this with our heritage is the root of all the ills you and me are witnessing. Let me give you an example.Very few in our generation can understand(to say nothing of reciting),Ramcharitmanas which is written in a dialect of Hindi. Thus you see how important a tool language is.
    2. It is self defeating to call these thugs as "liberals". Leftists they certainly are but not liberal. "Left liberal" is a term they like to use for themselves and want the world to use it for them. They are not liberals in western or any sense. They do not belong to the heritage of Locke or Rousseau. They are simply hypocrites.

    1. Thanks for taking out time to read the blog.
      1- In our fight against hypocritical Nehruvian ideology, we usually loose out precisely because we don't fight back at the same tangent that we are being attacked as. We will have 10000s of post in hindi propagating the nationalistic ideology thus inadvertently branding it as symbolism and hardly 1 post in english which gives a reasoned argument. The fight against this hypocrisy has to be started in the english circles where root of the problem is. So reply in a language where your target audience is instead of being concerned with identities and symbolism.
      2- Calling themselves anything doesn't make them one. Plus one is attacking the hypocrisy behind this term by mentioning it. Also being liberal doesn't mean you are a leftist or a rightist. I am a liberal and pro-humanism. Thus I am anti-terrorist and anti-appeasement. Simple.

  2. You are absolutely right Ananya, but the problem with our left sympathizer is that they are reluctant to revise and update their century old chapter. Being a liberal doesn't mean that one should undermine the law of the land and exercise unrestrained freedom. And on the other hand our state shouldn't brand a community, group or any voice which sought legitimacy of the states' action as anti national. It is the beauty of democracy which allows us to raise our voice in favor of our nation, and that should not be intimidated by any mean.

  3. जेएनयू रोग नहीं है, जेएनयू तो एक लक्षण भर है।
    सन 47 में आज़ादी हासिल होने से पहले ही हमारे समाजे के एक तबके ने यह विभिन्न आंदोलनों को हाईजैक कर लिया था। ऐसे लोगों को अपनी अघोषित बादशाहत को कायम रखने के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण संसाधन यानी शुद्ध देशी जबान में कहें तो चमचों की जरूरत थी। ये लुटियन विभिन्न राजनीतिक दलों के बुद्धिजीवी वर्ग बन गए और अपने चमचों के कांधों को इस्तेमाल करने लगे। दल बने, दल बटें लेकिन ये हर जगह बने रहे। इनका मूलमंत्र (अपने लिए) अनंत अधिकार और शून्य उत्तरदायित्व है। पिछले कुछ दिनों से यह तबका एक्सपोज़ होता ज रहा है और इससे उपजी घबराहट का एक उदाहरण भर है। अभी तो ऐसा बहुत कुछ दिखेगा जो सपे में भी अपेक्षित न होगा। सो संक्रमण काल को समझना होगा। इस देश में क्रांति का अपना तरीका है यह और यह चरणबद्ध होगी। देखती जाइये। ये जितने एक्सपोज़ होंगे, समाज में उतनी अधिक उथल-पुथल मचाएंगे/मचवाएंगे। इनको इस्तेमाल करना पसंद है, साइड लाइन होना नहीं। ये खुद को कठपुतली वाला की भूमिका में देखना पसंद करते हैं। इनको पहचान कर किनारे लगाना ही इस समस्या का एकमात्र समाधान है और ऐसा देश में हर जगह, हर स्तर पर करना होगा।

    1. Correct. The sad part is that educated young students of my age have foolishly fallen trap to this biased ideology. It is painful to see that ignorance. When all they understand is freedom of speech and human rights. And find it difficult to accept and understand the hypocrisy behind such campaigns. And then to argue with them that yes freedom of speech is right but sympathizing with the terrorists is wrong, becomes a tough task. Add to this the lefts repaint the entire issue into a freedom of speech campaign.(which principally is right but is just a mask to the underlying appeasement policy)

  4. Now it was turn of Right wing govt to handle it in right way,,,but they are doing same thing,what,so called left liberal had done earlier.So govt is now in custody instead of culprit.
    Well written, Ananya

    1. I wish the centre right or independent nationalist liberals like us had a better strategy. Where we don't come across as Bhakts who want these arrest but as reasonable rational individuals who can fight this ideology through reason.

    2. Particularly for this incident,, there is no need of reason,,execept behaving as Democratic soldiers not part goon.In return they would change their ideological thought and deed aftermath of this process.

  5. दरअसल आजादी के बाद नेहरू जी से शुरू सत्ता के छायावाद में पलते और पोषित होते आये वामपंथियों ने खुद और सत्ता की परंपरागत पार्टी कांग्रेस के लिए एक ऐसे कंफर्ट जोन का निर्माण किया जिसमे दोनों के साझा हित पोषित होते रहे। सत्ता में कांग्रेस और एक कहने को विपक्ष लेकिन मुफीद मौकों पर एक दूसरे के सुख दुःख देख लेने की रवायत।

    इस तरफ और जाते हुए एक यह बात भी देखी जा सकती है जो मैंने कहा है अक्सर।

    भारतीय राजनैतिक और सामाजिक संदर्भ में स्थापित मूल प्रकृति और चरित्र को देखते हुए शब्द "वामपंथ" एक औचित्यविहीन शब्द है जिसे भारतीय कम्युनिस्टों ने अपने आयातित दार्शनिक वजूद की वजह से खुद ओढ़ रखा है। ऐसा उस वैचारिक उधारीपन की वजह से हुआ जिसके क्रम में इन्होंने शब्दों तक का आयात किया बिना संदर्भ बदले।

    दरअसल भारतीय कम्युनिस्ट.. भारत में दक्षिणपंथी चरित्र रखते हैं और मजेदार बात यह कि देश में राष्ट्रवादी प्रवृत्ति को यह धारा बड़े ही शातिर ढंग से दक्षिणपंथ नाम देता रहा जो कभी स्वभाव और चरित्र से दक्षिणपंथी रहा ही नहीं बल्कि उसने भारतीय सन्दर्भों में हमेशा तथाकथित वामपंथ सा व्यवहार किया है। इस तरह दक्षिणपंथ भी भारतीय सन्दर्भ में एक फरेबी शब्द है।

    तनिक अजीब सी लगने वाली बात तुरत साफ़ और सत्यापित होने लगती है जब 1789-1799 की फ़्रांसिसी क्रांति की याद में पीछे जाते हुए शब्दों के असल अर्थ, सन्दर्भ और चरित्र को देखना शुरू किया जाय।

    सत्ता के छायावाद का यही खत्म होना वामपंथ को अकुला रहा है और इस अकुलाहट में आज वे राजद्रोह (राजनितिक विरोध) और राष्ट्रद्रोह में अंतर कर पाने में असमर्थ हैं।

  6. Brilliantly worded and deftly presented. Ironically, people have started confusing the right of 'Freedom of speech' with 'Freedom of [before/after] speech.
    Also, they fail to realize that liberty is not a personal affair but a social contract.
    Democratic values are being compromised and jeopardized by few due to vested interests at the cost of our nation! Ideologies have always decorated democracy but in our case they are being used as a weapon to ashame us infront of rest of the world even on unanimous amd non negotiable issues like nationality..patriotism..and Integrity.
    We are passing through a phase of intellectual crisis led by few pseudo intellectuals.

    1. And I am glad that for the first time post independence people like you and me are voicing the true side of the situation. Otherwise the agenda has remained to be captured by a particular sect of so called intelligentsia. We need to keep taking our view point further, without getting branded as bhakts and limiting ourselves to symbolism. But defeating them with rational reasoned arguments in a language that they speak.

  7. Well written ananya, I agree with you the young students are getting influenced in a wrong dorection by fiction writers like arundati roy and so called intelligentsia ( arm chair theorists and writers). A strict action against the violaters will highlight the importance of being in the centre, no left no right.
    Also, I see some kind of pattern in the protests in last 1-2 yr by college students supporting kashmir all over India be it meerut, Delhi, andhra,Bengal.

  8. Well written ananya, I agree with you the young students are getting influenced in a wrong dorection by fiction writers like arundati roy and so called intelligentsia ( arm chair theorists and writers). A strict action against the violaters will highlight the importance of being in the centre, no left no right.
    Also, I see some kind of pattern in the protests in last 1-2 yr by college students supporting kashmir all over India be it meerut, Delhi, andhra,Bengal.

  9. सहीबात...हालांकि उनके लिए लीबरल शब्द की बजाय 'सो-काल्ड सेक्युलर' ज्यादा बढ़िया है. बधाई विचार टिप्पणी के लिए.
