Friday, July 29, 2016

#‎Starbucks‬ ‪#‎Global‬ Poverty

 As it poured heavily today, I went to my favourite coffee shop and asked for a freshly brewed coffee. She said 2.5$ please. Just when I was contemplating that a freshly brewed coffee is so much cheaper than those fancy latte and frappĂ©, I happened to read this statistic while browsing on the internet-"Nearly half of the world's population-3 billion people live on less than 2.5 $ a day". Confused/Ashamed/Speechless!

September 2015

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Contrarians are important

Contrarians are important- In a world of echo chambers where fads and panics are a norm- we need to pay much more attention to where our ideas are coming from, actively discount common opinions and keep track of contrarians-the oddballs who think and behave independently. Success depends greatly on the quality of exploration and that in turn relies on the independence and diversity of your information and idea sources.


Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'
'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the Cat.
'I don't much care where -' said Alice.
'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat.
'- so long as I get SOMEWHERE,' Alice added as an explanation.
'Oh, you're sure to do that,' said the Cat, 'if you only walk long enough.

Lewis Carroll

Delhi-Bombay "Bubble"

Usually I am not perturbed by horrific demographic stats on India. Maybe I have gotten "used" to it. Maybe it is the default.
But just came across this stat which I could not help but share. "State of Children report on India notes that nearly 40% of adolescent children are out of school and nearly 43% of adolescent women are married before the age of 18".
And this is 2016. Where are these children? Why don't we see them? Why don't we talk about them(except in Habitat centre and Rajya Sabha TV!) leave alone doing anything about it. Is it the class difference? Is India all about the Delhi & Bombay bubble? Is it economics? Is it inequality? Or Social Norms? Geography? Sheer size? Development?


Friday, July 22, 2016

            “Swastha Balika-Swastha Samaj”
          “Healthy Girl Child- Healthy Society”

WHY in India do we need to have a campaign dedicated solely to the girl child? Why couldn’t we simply talk about healthy children? Let me introduce you to some hard realities.  For every 1000 male children, we have 86 missing girl children. Surpringly, this ratio is far worse in urban “educated” areas than in its rural counter-parts and has in-fact been dipping since independence. Where did all these girls go? Do we know that a girl child in India is 75% more likely to die than a boy child? Why this disparity? If this isn’t enough to shake you up, then try and consume this piece of information- 50% of young girls in India are malnourished, 53% of girls in the age group of 5 to 9 years are illiterate and 1 out of 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 4!

In a land where ‘girl child’ has historically been given the status of a Goddess, how did we come to a stage where millions of goddesses are malnourished, illiterate, weak and abused?

Poor Health outcomes of a girl child are a result of deeper rooted Social and Economic determinants. Even if she escapes a feticide, a girl child is less likely to receive immunization, nutrition or medical treatment compared to a male child due to inherent discrimination in an Indian home. Let us suppose she is fortunate enough to receive formal education, sadly enough she ends up in a school which can’t even offer her an operational toilet! Now let us not even begin to talk about sanitary and menstrual health. Hasn’t that been a big Taboo in Indian societies for generations? But what we do believe is in marrying off 48% of the women before the age of 18. This weak, uneducated and disempowered girl gives birth to a weaker and an unhealthier child; and the entire cycle of poverty, poor health and discrimination continues. 


       Interestingly, modern day campaigns and write ups regarding social issues unduly harp about the innumerable problems and challenges that we face. Although it may be easier to sit and count what needs to be done. But it is much more difficult to not only find but act on practical and actionable solutions for the same. If I were to mention that ‘one’ (prima facie) thing that I learnt during my Masters training at Harvard, it would be the need for “context based solutions” for most of our Global Health and Development problems. Sitting 10, 000 miles away with no understanding of social and cultural contexts, we cannot be providing artificial solutions for very “real” problems like discrimination and marginalization of girl child. Hence solutions have to emerge from the problems itself and cannot be read in isolation for all practical purposes. Moreover, the solution lies not only in government & donor funded programs but in having a sustained change in social mindsets and norms.

This change begins at home. And it begins with a mother giving equal preference to both male and female child. We all know that a mother should not discriminate between them in matters of nutrition, education and access to formal health care when needed. But this rhetoric falls on deaf ears, when you try argue the same with the head of a rural household. “Utilitarian” logic teaches them, that a girl is financial liability which needn’t be invested upon in terms of education, health or employment. One day she will leave them & go to her husband’s house is what they say, thus giving them no economic dividends in return.

Gandhi once reiterated a Kantian logic, that human beings can’t be treated as a means to an end, but that they are an end in itself. This line of thought, has given rise to what today we know as the Human Rights approach. Here we don’t justify equal rights for the girl child on account of the fact that even girls can be taught and gainfully employed to become an “asset” for an economic and rational Indian household. But we demand the same because human rights are so intrinsic in nature that by virtue of birth alone, they need to be respected as such. Still, education and monetary compensation for young working women has unleashed an entire unexplored “utility” of female power.

The new government has rightfully recognized the need to make this a national priority. Haryana state which has historically been infamous for extremely low sex ratios, was chosen as a symbolic launchpad for the nationwide Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) campaign. In fact, for the first time in history, Haryana has started showing a reversal in the downward trend for child sex ratio. Innovative ways of rebranding this message including the ‘Selfie with Daughter’ initiative started by a Sarpanch are being used to bring about a change in the social mindsets through training, sensitization, awareness raising and community mobilization on ground. And it is this attitude that we at “Swastha Balika”/Healthy Girl Child campaign are aiming to inculcate for a healthier tomorrow. This campaign plans to cover all the 29 states and UTs and reach every Indian household to bring about a change in our social-cultural mindset which are intended to successfully eliminate the discriminatory health seeking behaviors against and amongst girl children. We also plan to initiate discussions and create a sense of urgency around health sector reforms, particularly those that relate to the health & wellbeing of a girl child. This will include incorporating suggestions and ideas around redesigning of ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services) as a focal point for all round development of girl child, testing ‘Financial incentives for Doctors on delivering a girl child and to school authorities for retaining female students up until secondary school and a renewed focus on Health education of a girl child in at least  4 important domains including Nutrition, Sanitation, Menstrual Health, and Healthy Lifestyles & Yoga. And these recommendations collected from the common masses including you and me, complemented with evidence shared by Health and Policy experts, shall be thereafter compiled into an actionable document. This compilation of our experiences, learnings and suggestions to improve the health and social status of a girl child would then be circulated and disseminated across various domains including the CSO, multilateral development agencies, media, government authorities and most importantly back to where these came from- the people.

Dr. Ananya Awasthi
Masters in Global Health (Harvard University)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Hypocrisy of so called Liberal Lefts

Our problem. We are concerned more with being politically correct than to accept that romanticizing with a terrorist adds to the decades old appeasement policy that we have followed resulting in greater number of terrorist activities and loss of innocent lives across the country. It is easier to claim freedom of speech and hold protests in sympathy with those who sympathize with the terrorists. But it is tougher to take a resolute stand against terrorism. Liberal Lefts will never hold a rally to oppose the terrorists, because in a drawing room conversation its "cooler" to sound safe and liberal. The problem with right centric governments, instead of opposing this by way of thought and rational arguments, they are foolish enough to apply sedition charges thus giving away an opportunity to the liberals to repaint this issue as that of freedom for speech thereby completely ignoring the basic problem of appeasement, sounding cool, playing safe and being a hypocrite. I am a liberal and I strongly oppose any curtailment of freedom for speech but being a liberal, I can not overlook the underlying campaign to turn a terrorist into a martyr. Terrorism is anti -human and anti-liberal. Wish we would devote at least 20% of our energies to speak up against the appeasement of terrorists , leave alone the 80% we spend in repainting the issue.

Ananya Awasthi